How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

Research indicates that CBD shows up in your system 30 minutes after taking a dose. When researchers gave subjects 10 mg each of THC and CBD, the drugs were detectable at the same time, but the THC levels were higher.

THC is the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, and in some cases, you get both CBD and THC in marijuana products. But you can also get CBD on its own, even in states where marijuana is not legal.

CBD does not have the same brain effects as THC, and many tests don’t even screen for THC. But as a general rule of thumb, CBD stays in your system for about the same amount of time as THC. Keep reading for a look at the details and to learn what affects the presence of this drug in your body.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your Urine?

CBD stays in urine for between 13 and 90 days. These numbers are based on how long THC stays in your system. This wide range is based on frequency of use. When you use a lot of cannabis, the cannabinoids build up and stay in your system longer.

After a single use, THC is usually only detectable in your urine for up to 13 days. Regular users have it in their urine for about 45 days. Heavy users have it in their urine for up to three months. However, the results are not the same for everybody. Many other factors affect how long cannabinoids stay in your system.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your Hair?

Drugs stay in your hair for longer than other parts of your body. A drug test can find THC in your hair for up to 90 days. Expect CBD to be in your system for about the same amount of time.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your Blood?

CBD stays in your blood for about five days. But again, the presence of this drug in your system varies a lot based on how often you use it. Some research indicates that you can expect CBD to show up in blood tests for the following amounts of time:

  • Infrequent users — 3 days
  • Regular users — 30 to 45 days
  • Heavy users — 10 to 15 days

However, other research indicates that even after frequent use, most CBDs are out of your system within a week. Researchers gave 14 people 10 mg of CBD every day for six weeks. Drug tests did not detect any CBDs in these users a week after the last time taken.

To estimate how long a drug stays in your system, look at its half life. The half life refers to the amount of time your body takes to clear out half of the drug. With CBD, the half-life varies based on how you take the drug. Depending on how the CBD was ingested, researchers found the following half-lives:

  • Spray under the tongue: 1.4 to 10.9 hours
  • Swallowing: 2 to 5 days
  • Intravenous: 24 hours
  • Smoking: 31 hours

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your Saliva?

CBD stays in your saliva for a few hours. Again, this is based on how long THC stays in your saliva. Again, the way you ingest the drug affects how soon it shows up and how long it stays in your system.

With vaping, CBD is detectable in your system in 5 to 10 minutes, but it also goes away quickly. If you take CBD under your tongue, it gets absorbed by your mucous membrane. It digests slowly and leaves your system slowly. When you swallow CBD products, they metabolize faster. That means they show up sooner and leave your system sooner.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Lab Tests?

CBD shows up in lab tests for different amounts of time. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of research on how long CBD stays in your system. Based on how long THC stays in your system, you should expect to see CBD for the following amounts of time or less:

  • Urine — up to 90 days
  • Hair — up to 90 days
  • Blood — three to 15 days
  • Saliva — a few hours

A lot of factors affect how long CBD stays in your system. Like other cannabinoids, CBD gets stored in your fat cells. If you are overweight, CBD tends to be detectable in your system for longer than average. In contrast, when people exercise a lot, the CBD stays in their system for a shorter amount of time.

Here are other factors that affect how long CBD shows up in lab tests:

  • Dosage — Higher doses are detectable longer.
  • Genetics — Some people naturally metabolize drugs faster or slower than others.
  • Metabolism — People with high metabolisms clear CBD out of their systems faster.
  • Sex — Usually women metabolize cannabinoids faster than men.
  • Diet — If you have a high fiber diet, you burn CBD faster.
  • Age — As you get older, your body may take longer to process drugs.
  • Frequency of use — If you’re a frequent user, the CBD may show up for longer.
  • Health — Some conditions can slow down how your body processes drugs.

When derived from hemp, CBD is legal in all 50 states. But CBD from marijuana is only legal in some states. Because this drug is legal, many tests don’t even look for CBD. However, in very rare cases, some CBD products can have traces of THC, and you may test positive for THC in these situations.

If you or a loved one is having trouble with CBD or other drugs, you need to get help today. Contact Northeast Addiction Treatment Center to learn about options.

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