Elizabeth McGillivray

Primary Therapist

Elizabeth McGillivray, is a primary therapist at Northeast Addictions Treatment Center. In 2011,  Elizabeth earned her Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, from Salem State University. In 2018,  Elizabeth obtained her Master’s degree from Boston College, in Mental Health Counseling. Elizabeth is currently working on obtaining her license as a Mental Health Counselor.

Elizabeth has a vast knowledge of the 12-step philosophy, pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. She has previously worked in several addiction treatment centers, including medicated assistant treatment and partial hospitalization programs. Elizabeth’s therapeutic approach focuses on helping patients achieve insight and increased their motivation by building trust, positive self-esteem and healthy coping skills. Elizabeth also has a holistic perspective and helps her patients understand that all elements of health and wellness need to be addressed, in order for them to achieve a sober and fulfilling life.

Elizabeth utilizes talk therapy, motivational interviewing, meditation and person-centered interventions, while taking into account the role that behavioral, environmental, trauma and cultural factors may have on a patient’s recovery journey.