Is It Safe To Buy Ativan Online?

Buying Ativan online without a prescription is illegal, and there is no guarantee that the pills received will contain what the seller claims.

When it comes to buying prescription medications like Ativan online, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration strongly advises that all consumers use caution.

While there are approved, legal, and convenient online pharmacy services, there are also many rogue pharmacies that are not safe or secure sources to order your prescription drugs.

How To Identify A Safe Ativan Provider Online

Ativan, a brand name medication sold generically as lorazepam, is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance, just like all other benzodiazepine medications.

This indicates that it has a relatively low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence, but it can still be abused or misused, resulting in serious physical or psychological dependence and addiction.

As a result, all lorazepam medications are only legally available using a doctor’s prescription. Improper possession, use, or distribution of Ativan is subject to severe penalties under both state and federal law.

Signs that a potential online pharmacy is a safe source of Ativan include:

  • the site lists a valid United States street address
  • the site requires a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare professional
  • the provider is licensed by your state board of pharmacy or an equivalent state agency, both of which can be checked using online directories
  • there is a U.S. state-licensed pharmacist available to answer your questions
  • the site features the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy’s (NABP) Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites seal, or VIPPS seal

The VIPPS seal identifies internet pharmacies that have met state licensure requirements, as well as other criteria used by NABP to evaluate providers for safety and legitimacy.

How To Identify Rogue Online Pharmacies

Rogue online pharmacies often claim to sell Ativan and other popular, often abuse-prone prescription medicines at very low prices.

However, these illegitimate providers likely sell unapproved or counterfeited medicines from overseas laboratories that can have unpredictable effects on those who use them. And they may also harvest personal information, including your identity, email address, and credit card information.

Signs that an online pharmacy may not be properly licensed or operating legally include:

  • any offer or ability to order prescription medications without also providing a valid prescription
  • the site has no available U.S. licensed pharmacist available to answer your questions
  • the site is not located in the United States or mentions worldwide/international shipping
  • the site prominently displays a Canadian flag despite marketing medications to Americans
  • the site boasts unusually low prices for popular, high-demand medications
  • providing your email to the site triggers spam and unsolicited advertising emails

Dangers Of Online Ativan

Legitimate online pharmacies provide Ativan or generic lorazepam medications that are safe, authentic, and no different than those you would receive from any other pharmacy.

However, medications shipped overseas by fraudulent pharmacy sites can be dangerous in several different ways.

These medications may:

  • have inaccurate dosing, with too much or too little lorazepam in each tablet or capsule
  • have been compromised by high temperatures or other environmental issues during shipping, reducing their effectiveness
  • be fakes containing different benzodiazepine medications, including potent unapproved or experimental drugs
  • contain an entirely different active ingredient that is not a benzodiazepine
  • contain no active ingredient at all

As a result, counterfeited meds can have unpredictable side effects and may trigger severe or even fatal adverse effects. Their use may also leave serious medical conditions, like anxiety disorders or seizures, dangerously untreated.

For more information on prescription drug abuse treatment services, including group therapy and behavioral therapy, please contact Northeast Addictions Treatment Center today.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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