Halcion (Triazolam) Withdrawal & Detox | Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment

Halcion withdrawal symptoms can be severe, even life-threatening, so it is important to gradually reduce dosage through a medical detoxification program.

Any prolonged use of triazolam will likely trigger the rapid development of physical dependence, as well as potentially severe or even dangerous withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking the drug after your body has come to rely on it.

Triazolam is a potent, short-acting benzodiazepine drug sold under the brand name Halcion. It is commonly used to treat insomnia and other sleeping disorders, as well as various other medical conditions.

Like other prescription medications in the benzodiazepine family, triazolam is only recommended for as-needed or short-term use, with courses of treatment typically lasting only 7-10 days.

Halcion Withdrawal Symptoms

Different symptoms will emerge at different stages of triazolam withdrawal and may range from mild to severe or even (rarely) life-threatening in the absence of medical attention.

These symptoms of withdrawal may include:

  • abdominal cramps
  • anxiety
  • confusion
  • depression
  • fast heart rate
  • fatigue
  • fever
  • hallucinations
  • headaches
  • irritability
  • mood wings
  • muscle cramps and pain
  • muscle spasms
  • nausea
  • nightmares
  • restlessness
  • seizures
  • shakiness
  • sleep problems
  • vomiting

How Severe Is Triazolam Withdrawal?

The severity of your triazolam withdrawal symptoms likely depends on a variety of factors.

This includes how long you’ve been taking the medication, whether you take low or high doses, if you abuse any other substances, and whether you are discontinuing the drug cold-turkey or participating in a structured tapering schedule.

Halcion Withdrawal Timeline

Triazolam is the shortest-acting benzodiazepine available in the United States, and has an elimination half-life of only 2-5 hours.

Because of this, side effects of withdrawal tend to begin very quickly after the drug is discontinued, but fade more quickly compared to other longer-lasting benzos drugs.

While a timeline of triazolam withdrawal can be generalized, it’s important to remember that each individual’s experience and symptoms will be unique.

12-24 Hours After Last Dose

Initial withdrawal symptoms likely begin around 12 hours after last use. These symptoms begin as a mild discomfort, rebound insomnia, and feelings of anxiety or unease that can make sleeping or resting difficult.

2-4 Days After Last Dose

Acute withdrawal symptoms likely begin a day or two after the drug has been discontinued and processed out of the body.

These symptoms, often including tremors, headaches, panic, depression, insomnia, and others listed above, can be intense and may require medical intervention in especially severe cases.

These symptoms usually peak between 2-4 days after withdrawal begins.

5-14 Days After Last Dose

After peaking, withdrawal symptoms may steadily decrease as the body adjusts. This will continue until withdrawal has finished, which can take place as soon as 7 days after your last use of triazolam, or as late as 14 or more days, depending on your situation.


In some cases, certain psychological withdrawal symptoms like drug cravings, anxiety, and depression can linger or recur for weeks or months after acute withdrawal has concluded.

This temporary but frustrating condition is known as either post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) or protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (PWS), and tends to be associated with high dose benzodiazepine abuse.

Tapering & Medical Detox

Medical detoxification is a service provided by some recovery centers to offer safety, support, and guidance for those working through drug or alcohol withdrawal.

But due to the difficulty and danger involved in detoxing from benzodiazepines, healthcare providers strongly encourage anyone thinking about benzodiazepine detox to participate in a tapering program instead of quitting cold turkey.

Tapering programs or schedules are designed to drop your dosage slowly and steadily every week or two over the course of several months, spreading out or avoiding withdrawal symptoms to keep you comfortable and safe throughout the process.

You may also transition from triazolam to a low potency, long-acting benzodiazepine like clonazepam (Klonopin) or diazepam (Valium) to keep the level of medication in your body more stable throughout the day.

Halcion Addiction Treatment Services

In cases of triazolam abuse or addiction, detox should be followed with either inpatient or outpatient treatment.

These professional treatment programs can help support your long-term recovery through services like:

If you or a loved one struggle with prescription drug misuse, or have begun showing signs of a substance use disorder (drug addiction), please contact Northeast Addictions Treatment center today.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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