Sonata (Zaleplon) Addiction | Abuse, Effects, Signs, & Treatment

Sonata is a Z-drug that is prescribed as a sleep aid. There is a potential for abuse if the drug is not used according to the prescribing physician's instructions.

Zaleplon, which is sold as the brand name sleep medication Sonata, can be addictive.

Drug addiction to Sonata can be the result of long-term drug abuse. Sonata may be prescribed over other sleeping pills, such as Lunesta or Ambien, due to the reduced risk of rebound insomnia after usage stops.

When taken as directed, Sonata can help patients manage sleep disorders such as insomnia. However, the sedative effects of Sonata can be abused by people, with or without a prescription, who desire the pleasurable effects of sedative-hypnotic drugs.

Sonata is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance in the United States. While the abuse potential for Sonata is not as strong as other types of drugs, such as opioids or barbiturates, safe use of Sonata may be encouraged to minimize your health risk.

What Is Considered Sonata Abuse?

Forms of zaleplon abuse include taking the drug without a prescription, taking it in higher doses than your doctor prescribed, or mixing zaleplon with other substances.

Zaleplon is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant which slows down brain activity. It works by increasing amounts of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a similar mechanism of action to benzodiazepines.

When zaleplon binds to GABA receptors on a constant basis, the brain’s chemistry may change to encourage repeated use of the drug. Zaleplon can be habit-forming when it is repeatedly taken to achieve pleasurable effects.

Effects Of Sonata Abuse

Possible side effects of Sonata abuse include:

  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • impairment
  • hallucinations
  • memory loss

These effects may be stronger if Sonata is taken in high doses.

Due to the potent effects of this sleep aid, doctors may recommend taking Sonata directly before bed. Reports of sleepwalking and complex behaviors, such as “sleep-driving,” have been observed in unconscious patients after taking a dose of Sonata. These effects may also be observed in people who take Sonata to get high.

Signs Of Sonata Addiction

Sonata abuse may be conducted by people who are not addicted to the drug.

Drug addiction is a long-term mental health problem that is characterized by an inability to stop taking the drug, and may develop after long periods of drug abuse. Drug addictions may also be known as substance use disorders in medical circles.

Addiction to Sonata can affect a person’s physical and mental health.

Signs of addiction can be observed by people close to the person struggling with addiction, and may include:

  • doctor shopping for a Sonata prescription
  • changes in productivity, routine, or social circles
  • a decline in physical and mental health
  • displaying the side effects of Sonata (drowsiness, sleepwalking, impairment, memory loss, withdrawal, etc.)

Sonata Withdrawal

Patients may experience Sonata withdrawal when attempting to quit the drug. Withdrawal symptoms can result after the body has developed a dependence on the drug, which can occur after long-term use. Symptoms may include muscle cramps, sweating, and convulsions.

Sonata Addiction Treatment Options

Sonata addiction and withdrawal can lead to a declining quality of life. In this state, it can be difficult to stop taking Sonata without professional help.

A dedicated Sonata addiction treatment program can help you identify and avoid patterns of high-risk drug use in the future, while flushing out zaleplon from your system (a process known as detox or detoxification).

Treatment methods used may include behavioral therapy, medication, and referrals to support groups, which can take place in an inpatient or outpatient treatment setting.

To find out if our outpatient CNS depressant treatment program works for you or your loved one, please contact Northeast Addictions Treatment Center today.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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