World Mental Health Day: Purpose & Participation

October 10th, 2022, is World Mental Health Day (WMHD). WMHD strives to make mental health and well-being a priority through awareness of mental illnesses and treatment resources. 

The first WMHD took place in 1992, and ever since then, October 10th has been dedicated to informing the public about the importance of mental health and how they can get help. 

There are several ways to get involved in World Mental Health Day. Through participation, you become an advocate for mental health and create a safe space for those seeking treatment. 

This year’s theme is “Make mental health for all a global priority.” The slogan represents the intention to make mental health treatment available for any class, gender, or race. 

Below we’ll explore the importance of WMHD and how you can participate. 

Purpose Of World Mental Health Day

For years, mental health issues weren’t a topic given much discussion by local and federal governments. 

People with mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or drug addiction, haven’t always received proper treatment due to a lack of awareness and resources. 

There are stigmas (which still exist) toward those who seek treatment for mental health problems or need time off work or social events due to depression, anxiety, or stress. 

All these reasons, combined with isolation, health issues, and loss of jobs due to COVID-19, make mental health awareness more crucial than ever. 

World Mental Health Day aims to help people recover from not only the psychological burden of the pandemic but also maintain a life-long positive connection to their mental health.

With the disruption of mental health services, many find themselves without resources. WMHD strives to reconnect these individuals with treatment and create an atmosphere that supports mental health.

Scope Of Mental Health In The United States

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that even before COVID-19, an estimated one in eight people globally lived with a mental health disorder. 

WHO also estimated a 25% rise in anxiety and depressive disorders during the first year of the pandemic. All this went on while mental health resources were downsized or fully cut. 

People in marginalized communities possess a greater risk of experiencing severe mental illness. 

Statistics on marginalized communities and the general population show:

  • the LGBTQ+ community is more likely to exhibit suicidal behavior and self-harm 
  • people with mental health illnesses have a shorter life expectancy 
  • Black people are more likely to be detained in a hospital for mental health issues

How To Participate

There are several ways to show your support for World Mental Health Day. No matter if you simply post on social media or throw an event, any participation is admirable. 

We’ve assembled some ways you can get active on WMHD to help promote mental health awareness. 

Join A Support Group

If you have a mental health disorder or wish to know more about mental illnesses, joining a support group is a great way to benefit yourself and others.

Hearing first-hand accounts of those living with a disorder helps you understand the importance of mental health. 

Sharing in a group allows you to connect your story with others, build a community, and show newcomers that they’re not alone. 

Spread Messages Of Hope

Social media is one of the best tools for outreach. People can create awareness by simply posting a WMHD image on their accounts with the hashtag #WorldMentalHealthDay. 

If you are someone with a mental health disorder and want to share your story, WMHD is the perfect day to do so. Use the aforementioned hashtag and post a video or image with your unique story. 

You can also share others’ stories of hope and recovery with their permission. WMHD serves as a chance to hear stories from every corner of the world so that everyone feels included. 

Young people can especially benefit from advocacy of mental health problems on social media. If you’re an influencer with many subscribers, you can help many by spreading awareness. 

Host An Event

This level of engagement can be perfect for employers, organizations, or businesses that want to show their commitment to the support of mental health. 

Hosting an event doesn’t have to be costly or extravagant. As an employer, taking time out of the day to discuss mental health with your employees can be beneficial. 

If you want to take it a step further, you can have a mental health professional come into the office and offer advice, such as how to best balance work and stress. 

Students can get involved by hosting a fundraiser for a mental health organization on campus, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness. 

No matter the type of event, creating a safe space to talk about mental health issues encourages people to find treatment, such as suicide prevention or cognitive behavioral therapy

Practice Self-Care

Many are uninformed on how to improve mental health. Some, such as older adults who grew up in a different social climate, aren’t aware of the importance of mental health. 

Becoming an example of how self-care improves your mental state is a great way to advocate for WMHD. Below are some ways you can improve mental health. 

Tips for practicing better self-care:

  • search for therapist options through an insurance carrier or employer
  • exercise, which also helps with physical health 
  • start a new hobby
  • journal or try using writing prompts
  • spend time with family and friends 
  • eat a healthy diet
  • meditation, yoga, or breathwork

Find Help For Mental Health Disorders

You or a loved one can find help for a mental health disorder at our drug rehab center in Quincy, Massachusetts

Northeast Addictions Treatment Center has several treatment options for substance use disorders, such as outpatient programs and dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders.

Reach out to one of our specialists today to learn more. 

Keep Reading:


National Library Of Medicine – World Mental Health Day

World Health Organization – Mental Health At Work

United Nations – Recognizing Signs Of Poor Mental Health

Written by
Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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