How To Prepare For Outpatient Rehab

For those of you considering outpatient treatment, there are ways for you to prepare. Before entering a rehab program, you’ll want to take care of any financial obligations, make plans for childcare and pet care, and inform your place of work and family members.

For those of you struggling with drug abuse and considering outpatient treatment, there are several actions to take before enrolling in a drug or alcohol addiction treatment plan.

Although you are not required to remain on-site at the treatment facility 24/7 as with an inpatient rehab facility, you will be required to visit the rehab center at specific times during the week.

Before beginning alcohol or drug addiction recovery at an outpatient rehab, you will likely need to make sure all of your affairs are in order.

From financial obligations to care for your child, it’s important to have a plan to give you peace of mind while you take the time to receive drug treatment.

Determine Accreditation

When searching for an outpatient rehab center, you want to receive the utmost care. To determine which treatment provider is right for you, it’s important to find an accredited treatment center.

National accreditations include CARF as well as The Joint Commission, and look for state accreditations as well. Accreditations ensure a high-standard of care at the treatment center.

Review the treatment options provided by the outpatient rehab and learn more about the facility before participating in a treatment program.

Know Your Health Insurance Plan

Once you’ve determined which outpatient treatment center is right for you, reach out to your health insurance provider to determine the type of coverage offered by your plan. Some insurance policies may cover inpatient and outpatient care.

Contact the phone number located on your insurance card to speak with a representative who can inform you of treatment coverage and which treatment centers are in-network or out-of-network with your policy.

Make Plans For Childcare Or Pet Care

If you have children or pets, they will need to have accommodations before you leave to attend an outpatient drug rehab for each scheduled session.

Consider finding a trusted friend or family member who can watch your child or visit your home to feed and water your pet during the time you are at the outpatient facility.

Gather Personal Information

If this is your first time attending an outpatient treatment program, you’ll want to get organized by gathering the necessary paperwork required to receive treatment.

If you take any prescription medications, bring any with you that you might need for the day as well as a list of all medications. Since cell phones and laptops may be prohibited, bring a list of phone numbers and emergency contact information for your healthcare professionals.

While you won’t need toiletries or any overnight items for outpatient rehab, it’s still a good idea to carry your ID, insurance card, and other identifying information.

Inform Your Family & Loved Ones

Before you leave for rehab each day, contact your loved ones to inform them of your whereabouts or let them know your outpatient treatment schedule.

Also, with outpatient care, it’s important to have a strong support system by your side as you begin the addiction recovery process. Family therapy and other options may allow your loved ones to participate in the treatment process with you.

Notify Your Place Of Work

Since outpatient drug and alcohol rehab requires you to visit the facility at designated times, it’s important to notify your work. You may qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which protects your job and allows for up to 12 weeks of medical leave.

Take Care Of Financial Obligations

If you pay rent or have other financial obligations, they will need to be taken care of before you receive outpatient care. These loose ends can be taken care of if you pay ahead of time or find a payment plan to help with any financial burdens.

What To Expect During Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab provides various levels of care as part of a treatment program. While medical detox, or detoxification, is more common during residential treatment, some rehab programs may offer an option for managing withdrawal symptoms.

Types of outpatient programs include a standard outpatient program (OP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and a day treatment program (PHP).

Therapy Sessions

Therapy sessions such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are offered with outpatient care. Behavioral health practices such as family, individual, or group therapy can be beneficial and are likely offered as well.

Aftercare Services

As part of your recovery journey, aftercare services such as support groups and continued counseling may be coordinated before you finish the program.

If you’re seeking substance abuse treatment, consider Northeast Addictions Treatment Center. At our rehab facility, our healthcare representatives will assist you throughout the recovery process.

Contact us today to learn more about our specialized treatment plans.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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