The Link Between Clonazepam & Weight Gain

Weight fluctuations are a well-known side effect of Clonazepam, but the effects can vary from person to person, resulting in weight gain for some and weight loss for others.

Weight gain and weight loss are well-known side effects of clonazepam. Clonazepam use can lead to an increased appetite, which can lead to a higher food intake and weight gain.

Apparent weight gain can also occur during Klonopin withdrawal, where heavy bloating is a common withdrawal symptom.

The link between clonazepam and weight gain is not fully understood, and more research may be needed to determine how benzodiazepines can cause weight fluctuations.

While clonazepam can treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and seizure disorders as the brand name prescription drug Klonopin, you may wish to discuss the benefits and downsides of benzodiazepine use with a healthcare professional.

How Clonazepam Can Cause Weight Gain

Clonazepam may cause weight gain due to its interactions with the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA. GABA can inhibit central nervous system (CNS) activity when it is present in high amounts, causing side effects such as sedation and drowsiness.

GABA can also stimulate the appetite, which can cause a person to eat more. Higher food intake may result in weight gain over time.

Benzo Belly

Some studies have shown a link between GABA and bacteria in the stomach. These bacteria may feed on GABA, and may have adverse effects on the stomach and brain when deprived.
One possible side effect may be “benzo belly,” a state of severe bloating, discomfort, and the appearance of weight gain.

Weight Gain & The Side Effects Of Clonazepam Use

Weight gain may be one of many common side effects of Klonopin. Over-the-counter products such as vitamin supplements may counteract a stimulated appetite and weight gain, though their effectiveness may vary from person to person.

Other side effects of Klonopin use may include difficulties with urination, blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, low blood pressure, and impairment.

These side effects may make it difficult to carry out daily tasks, and some people may eat more to cope with the difficulties of benzodiazepine use.

Bloating & Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Benzo belly is one of many potential Klonopin withdrawal symptoms, along with worsening anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and seizures.

Withdrawal may be a sign of a long-term substance use disorder. Substance use disorders can be difficult to overcome without professional help.

Klonopin withdrawal can be difficult and painful to experience. In some cases, it may even be life-threatening. Overcoming bloating and other effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal may be possible with the help of professional Klonopin addiction treatment options.

Treatment programs can address your short-term health by managing the side effects of benzodiazepine use.

They can also improve your long-term outlook through a detox program, mental health services, and other options. To learn about our outpatient treatment options for prescription drug abuse, please contact us today.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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