A couple holds hands while walking - Dating In Early Recovery Risks & Benefits

Those who navigate the dating scene while in early recovery may inadvertently cause harm to their treatment process.

Not only can a new relationship lead to difficulty maintaining focus on sobriety due to a big change in your life, a romantic relationship can lead to swapping one addiction for another if it is an unhealthy relationship only involving sex.

For this reason, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), some rehab centers do not allow patients to become romantically or sexually involved with one another.

The Risks Of Dating In Early Recovery

During the early stages of recovery programs, it is advised to place primary focus on self-care and your recovery journey. To achieve your goal of living a sober life, you can still maintain healthy relationships along the way.

After all, it’s important to have a strong support system while in addiction recovery. However, those who choose to date during their first year of sobriety can have an increased risk of relapse due to misplaced focus.

Mental Health Problems

All relationships can have stressors, including ups and downs. When disagreements or problems arise, it’s important that this does not hinder your recovery process.

Mental health issues such as anxiety or depression can worsen, leading you to repeat previous patterns of behavior which lead to drug or alcohol use.

Codependent Relationships

If you begin a new relationship while in early recovery, it’s important to set boundaries to avoid a codependent relationship. With a codependent relationship, you may rely too much on your partner.

This can lead to you avoiding tasks and not taking accountability for your own sobriety journey which requires commitment from you. Maintaining healthy boundaries is important for a successful relationship and treatment plan.

The Benefits Of Dating In Early Recovery

Although it is recommended that you achieve a year of sobriety and attend a drug or alcohol addiction treatment program before dating, those who choose to date while in recovery can also consider sober dating as an option.

If you date a partner who is sober, you will not be tempted with any drugs or alcohol in your presence.

Dating someone may improve your self-esteem and add another loved one to your support system. Additionally, you can both learn healthy coping skills and hold each other accountable.

If you have a partner who can assist you with coping mechanisms to help you along your journey, this healthy relationship may be beneficial for your recovery.

For information on our drug addiction treatment options, including medical detox for cravings and withdrawal, inpatient or outpatient treatment programs, support groups and 12-step meetings, and more, please contact us today.

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