Can You Stay Enrolled In Your College Courses During Outpatient Rehab?

You can attend college classes during a substance use disorder treatment program. You can attend outpatient treatment during the day and focus on your schoolwork at night. You can also take online classes.

Yes, you can stay enrolled in your college courses during an outpatient alcohol or drug rehab program. You can coordinate your schedule with your treatment provider and instructors, if needed.

According to data from 2019, more than half of all American college students have tried alcohol at least once. About ten percent of college students have taken Adderall illegally, compared to about six percent of young people who are not in college.

Substance abuse in full-time college students can lead to poor academic performance, increased dropout rates, and long-term health problems.

An outpatient rehab program can give you the professional help you need to focus on your education, improve your job prospects, and manage your mental health.

How To Take College Classes During Outpatient Rehab

If you are struggling with substance abuse during the school year, you can contact outpatient substance abuse treatment centers near you to ask about their treatment schedules.

If you can attend outpatient treatment and your college classes, you can take further steps to enroll in a treatment program.

Plan Ahead

You can also plan to enter an outpatient drug or alcohol addiction treatment center the following semester.

By planning ahead of time, you can schedule in-person or online classes to align with your treatment plan. You can also ask your university about online classes, if you cannot attend in-person lectures.

Medical Leave

If your school schedule does not align with the outpatient treatment facility, you can contact your university about medical leave.

You can keep your enrollment status during medical leave, although you may not take classes during this time. You may also need to provide medical documents of your condition.

Resources For College Students Looking For Recovery Support

If you are a college student struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, you can check whether your school has a collegiate recovery program.

Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP)

A collegiate recovery program (CRP) can be an on-campus service for college students with a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Students in a CRP can form a support group, as they may have similar experiences with substance abuse. CRPs can also offer support services for other students, plan initiatives for student sobriety, and reduce stigma surrounding substance use.

Family & Other Supports

Finding support can also include reaching out to family members, loved ones, and treatment providers. Widespread drug and alcohol use on a college campus can be risk factors for ongoing substance use.

Spending time in a drug-free environment can help you manage your own habits and mental health.

Addiction Treatment

Alcohol and drug use can be common among college students. However, abusing alcohol or drugs in college can reduce academic performance and overall well-being.

If you or someone you know is struggling in school due to substance use, contact Northeast Addictions Treatment Center today.

We offer outpatient treatment options, such as therapy and mental health care. Our evidence-based treatment approach can help a wide range of patients, including young adults and college students.

Our sister facilities also offer inpatient treatment options, including medical detox programs and medication-assisted treatment, for patients who need intensive care.


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