Plugging Adderall & The Dangers Of Rectal Administration

Plugging Adderall may seem appealing, but misusing the drug in this way can be harmful to your health.

“Plugging” Adderall refers to absorbing Adderall into the body through the rectum. Rectal use of Adderall is also known as “booty-bumping” or “boofing.”

The most common form of Adderall is a prescription drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. However, substance abuse of Adderall is popular among college students, party-goers, and people looking to boost their productivity.

Plugging Adderall may be appealing due to the potential for strong effects and increased energy, but misusing the drug in this way can be harmful to your short-term and long-term health.

How Adderall Plugging Works

Supporters of plugging Adderall claim that rectal tissue has a higher bioavailability, meaning substances taken rectally may enter the bloodstream faster than through the lungs or stomach.

The higher bioavailability of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine through rectal administration can allow you to feel the effects of Adderall faster. You may also feel stronger effects compared to snorting Adderall or taking it normally.

Dangers Of Rectal Administration

Plugging Adderall can still cause common side effects of the drug due to its effects on the central nervous system. Increased heart rate, dry mouth, high blood pressure, chest pain, loss of appetite, and other side effects may be felt after plugging.

Rectal use can also cause adverse effects not seen in other methods of Adderall use.


Rectal insertions can tear tissue, leading to pain, bleeding, and exposure in the anus. Torn tissue can have a higher risk of infections compared to healthy tissue.

People with preexisting rectal health problems, such as hemorrhoids, may be at an increased risk of infections when plugging Adderall.

Increased Risk Of Diseases​​​

Not everyone has access to clean syringes, suppositories, or materials for rectal drug use. Sharing materials can lead to an increased risk of bloodborne diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis, chlamydia, and other conditions.

Increased Risk Of Overdose

When plugging Adderall, you may be taking higher doses of the drug without knowing. Adderall overdoses can lead to:

  • rapid breathing
  • psychosis
  • rhabdomyolysis (muscle tissue inside the bloodstream)
  • cramping
  • diarrhea
  • heart attack

Adderall bought from a drug dealer may also be “cut” with other substances, further increasing your risk of an overdose.

Substance Use Disorder

Plugging Adderall is a form of drug abuse because rectal administration is not an approved use of the drug. Misusing Adderall can increase your risk of a substance use disorder (SUD). SUDs are persisting mental health problems characterized by an inability to stop taking the drug.

Adderall can change the balance of dopamine and serotonin in your brain, two neurotransmitters that control vital body functions. Long-term chemical imbalances can contribute to the onset of SUD. Adderall plugging can compound these effects over a long period of time.

A substance use disorder for Adderall may include developing an Adderall addiction, experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit, and continuing to plug Adderall despite ongoing health problems (such as weight loss or heart problems).

Treating Adderall Abuse

Long-term Adderall plugging can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Since Adderall can be habit-forming, it can be difficult to stop without professional medical help.

Victims of Adderall abuse may benefit from a dedicated treatment program. Treatment options for Adderall abuse include treating long-term health effects, prescribing medication, and attending counseling.

Contact Northeast Addictions Treatment Center for effective outpatient Adderall addiction treatment today.

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Northeast Addition Editorial Team

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